LEAD Through Crisis
Session 1
We cannot manage our way out of a crisis, we have to lead it!
- John Maxwell
Leadership is influence
- John Maxwell
Who is influencing me?
Who am I influencing?
How can I continue to be an influence?
I must lead myself before leading others
Leading self begins with
The ability to give attention to something for an extended period of time with ease
Self Awareness
The ability to make wise decisions about where to focus your attention
What distractions do you have in your life today?
What needs more focus and attention?
How can you make time to develop mindfulness?
Leadership begins with me...
...and flows to others
How am I impacting the lives of others around me?
No man (person) is an island
John Donne (1572-1631)
Do I have someone I can connect with?
Is there someone who needs to be connected?
We are social beings
We were made for connection
The inward connection is about connecting to our inner self. It energises you and fuels your desire to do the things you do. It is personal. This connection is so deep that no one else knows except you. No one can take it away from you except you.
The outward connection is the most natural connection beyond ourselves. It enables meaningful interactions and sharing of experiences with another human being. It is more dynamic and takes into consideration multiple variables.
The upward connection is to a “higher being”. May not be so recognisable to our natural eyes, but we acknowledge there is a “higher being” out there. Whether we choose to acknowledge that being, He is still there. Reminds us we are after all, only human.
How do you feel when you connect inwards?
What did you discover about yourself that you didn't know?
How are you connecting outwardly with your family / colleagues / community?
How are you connecting upwards? How does that influence my daily living?
How can I be purposeful with my life?
Who can help me on this journey?
Discovering Purpose
Reflection areas to help discover your purpose:
Childhood experiences
Moments of crisis
Areas of passion
Questions for reflection:
Reflect on the event (be specific)
Why was the event meaningful to you?
What did you value out of that experience?
How did you feel?
Have you had the same experience again?
What was the same and what was different?
Do you see any emerging themes?
Are there any associated values?
Your Purpose Statement
Purpose is your unique gift you bring to your world (your team, your family, your community - basically, the people around you). Think about what they would be missing without you. What do you provide or bring that makes a difference in their lives?
The reason for developing a purpose statement is to help you focus on your purpose. To be involved and engaged in that which brings a sense of meaning, fulfilment, contentment and joy.
Your purpose is not self-serving - it does not focus on how it will benefit you. It is not your ambition or goal, nor is it a strategy or a mantra. Purpose is much larger and goes beyond all that. Your purpose affects all areas of your life - at home and at work.
To become a CEO by the age of 45
Self-centred statement. The focus is on self. Does not involve others. More of a self ambition.
To be the best person I can be
Self-centred statement. The focus is on self. Sounds more like a mantra.
To earn a million and retire at 40
Self-serving. Does not speak about how people around are impacted. Sounds more like a goal and personal ambition.
If your purpose statement sound like the above, you want to ask the "why" question.
For example:
Why do you want to become a CEO by the age of 45?
So that my family can live a comfortable life. Why?
So that my children can have a good education. Why?
So that they can have the knowledge and wisdom to make good decision. Why?
So that they don't have to suffer the consequences of making bad choices. Why?
So that they can be of good influence to others around them.
Initial purpose statement:
To become a CEO by the age of 45
Revised purpose statement:
Influencing others to make good decisions
Influence: The Emotional Intelligence Competency We All Want More Of
We humans are social beings and why that matters for speaker and leaders
Purpose: The Extraordinary Benefits of Focusing on What Matters Most
What's Your Purpose? Finding A Sense Of Meaning In Life Is Linked To Health
Leading from Purpose: Clarity and the Confidence to Act When It Matters Most