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Our approach to leadership and leadership development is rooted in our consulting model of sustainability and scalability. 

We believe every leader can go the long haul and reproduce other leaders who in turn do likewise. This can be done when we have Purposeful Leaders. 

Purposeful Leaders are confident and secure in who they are; competent with a servant-heart in what they do; acting as a catalyst to spur others into future possibilities

Read more about The Purposeful Leader

Image by Mike Saunders

About the Series

Regardless of where we’re at in our leadership journey, we can be that purposeful leader. Engage the core to build security and confidence for yourself and the people you lead. Have a servant-heart as you invest time and resources into equipping the skills required to prepare for tomorrow. Catapult others into opportunities and spur them on to live their purpose. 

Be The Purposeful Leader!

Confident. Competent. Compelling. Catalytic. Committed.

The Confident Leader

The Confident Leader is one who knows their identity as a leader; they are secure in their leadership.

The Competent Leader

The Competent Leader is skilful in what they do; they use their knowledge, skills and abilities to serve others.

The Compelling Leader

The Compelling Leader is influential in effecting change; they shape people towards collaboration and co-creation.

Catalytic Leader

The Catalytic Leader is instrumental in propelling others forward; they create an environment that spur people to pursue their purpose.

The Committed Leader

The Committed Leader is focused on the purpose of leadership; they create sustainable and scalable leadership impact.

Other Leadership Series curated by Invigorate


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