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Purposeful Leadership Series

Confident. Competent. Compelling. Catalytic. Committed.

Purposeful Leaders are confident and secure in who they are; competent with a servant-heart in what they do; acting as a catalyst to spur others into future possibilities

Module 2:
The coMPETENT leader

This page is intended for participants of the Purposeful Leadership Series from Deleum Berhad. If you have not signed-up for the programme, kindly return to our homepage.

A programme brought to Deleum by Human Synergy, and in collaboration with Invigorate Consulting

Abstract Linear Background


The Competent Leader is skillful in what they do; they use their knowledge, skills and abilities to serve others

BIG Idea

Leadership is acquired, not inherited

Electrician at Work
Competent Leaders become skillful by
Learning their craft
Knowing their craft
Practicing their craft

Leadership is influence

Solar Panels on Rooftop
Influence is observable, brings change, is constant and makes a difference
Zero Waste Bathroom

Leaders must influence the heart, head and hands


Leading with conviction

Purpose instead of Position
People instead of Power
Proffer instead of Purse


Leading with clarity

Vision instead of vagueness
Values instead of vulgarity
Velocity instead of vengeance


Leading with competence

Prioritise instead of haphazard
Problem solve instead of creating barriers
Positive change instead of negative burdens

The Competent Leader is capable

Doing Jigsaw Puzzle

Competent Leaders serve

They serve their stakeholders by identifying who they are, engaging with them and serving their needs
When Competent Leaders are skillful in what they do; and use their knowledge, skills and abilities to serve others; it produces:




Reflection Questions
  1. How can I grow as a purposeful leader?
  2. How well do I learn my craft, know it and use it intentionally?
  3. How am I influencing the heart, head and hands of my team?
  4. Which of the 9 competencies am I strong at? How can I develop the other competencies?
  5. Who are my stakeholders and how well am I serving them?
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